Nutri Nuts & Fruits
Nutri Nuts & Fruits is a Kenyan producer of macadamia nuts and dried fruits, creating a positive social impact by providing employment, increased income and training to smallholder farmers in Meru county.
The company encourages and promotes sustainable farming practices to achieve the highest product quality. They have invested in the most modern processing machinery to offer international markets with nuts of the highest grade. They expect to obtain the organic certification in April 2022.

Nutri Nuts & Fruits' macadamia nuts
Nutri Nuts & Fruits’ macadamia nuts are naturally grown on fertile and mineral rich slopes of Mount Kenya and highland farms of central Kenya. Meru, Embu, Kirinyaga, Muranga and Kiambu counties are rich in biodiversity, have a favourable climate with an optimum temperature of 17-27°C, 850 mm of evenly distributed rainfall and an optimum soil pH 5-6.
Nutri Nuts & Fruits selects and processes their macadamia nuts in strict adherence with international food safety standards.
Nutri Nuts & Fruits' social and environmental impacts
Nutri Nuts & Fruits are dedicated to improving the livelihoods of their communities. Besides employing 95% of women and youth, they engage in a number of community projects. For example, they donate food, equipment and financial funds to orphanage homes and provide girls from Muuti-O-Nthunguri primary school in Meru County with sanitary towels and pads.
Besides encouraging sustainable farming practices among their smallholder community, they have partnered with the country government in tree planting events as well as donation of trees and macadamia seedlings to farmers.